Left Shore Designs  - Copywriting For The South Shore, Plymouth, and Cape Cod
Handcrafted Copywriting Solutions For The South Shore, Plymouth, and Cape Cod

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Copywriting Services

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting Services From Left Shore DesignsThe simplest definition of copywriting is the creation of content that drives the reader or listener into a predetermined action. Professional copywriting will transform your business. It will in result in increased sales, more interaction, and more visibility for your business. When your words are powerful and persuasive, it compels your readers to act.

Expertly produced copy will inspire and engage your audience making them your biggest fans. Even your internal communications will excite and impassion your team, motivating them to deliver your brand values.

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Why You Need A Professional Copywriter?

Sure, you can write, and yes, you know your business better than anyone else. But how many times have you wasted hours slaving at your desk, trying to write new copy content dedicated to your projects instead of actually working on the projects themselves? The fact is, using a freelance copywriter means you can use your time more productively, boost the results of your efforts, and save money. 

Professional Copywriters Are Masters At Adapting To Your Needs

It’s impossible for copywriters to be authorities in every subject. You simply won’t find a copywriter who is a former restaurateur/engineer/manufacturer/landscaper/accountant. However, a professional copywriter does possess a particular set of skills that allows them to adapt to the needs of business people involved in many fields. The key is to give the copywriter enough specific information to become a provisional expert in the area in which you would like them to write. That means that when you engage a copywriter, you should expect to dedicate some teaching time and be patient as they creatively produce your content.

How Does Great Copy Fit Into The Equation?

Website Copywriting

Knowing that your customers are spending so much time on the Internet researching your offering before they commit to handing over their cash, you had better have a really great website. While a good web designer, skilled in the art of HTML code and SEO skills is key, the copy content must be simple to read, break through buying obstacles, convince your prospect that your offering is for them, and offer a clear call-to-action.

A website is a lot more than pretty images. The words must paint a picture of what it would be like to enjoy your offering and motive your visitor to act on the excitement generated by that vision.

It is also very important to keep your web content fresh. Fresh content keeps your visitors coming back, increases your visibility in the search sites, and guarantees an overall better-looking website. That’s why we can work with you to produce:

- Blogs
- Customer Guides
- Fact Sheets
- Case Studies
- White Papers

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Email Copywriting

Email is a magnificent, inexpensive method to get your message out in front of those you do business with. However, every message you send out must be written to solve your recipient’s needs, concise, engaging, and persuasive. Most importantly, since most reads don’t make it past the subject line, the tagline must demand attention and opening action. Combine all of this with our guidance in a complete email marketing strategy, and you’ll have a winning, ongoing email effort in place.

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Brochure Copywriting

Even though so much of modern marketing has gone online, there is still a strong case for the venerable brochure. However, as is the case with a website, a brochure needs to be much more than glossy photographs and tables. Your brochure copy content must speak to your reader, deliver the benefits of your offering, and absorb your reader to the point that they take action. That’s why it’s essential you use an expert copywriter.

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Newsletter Copywriting

Newsletters keep your offering in sight and in mind. News, ideas, advice and offers included in your newsletter will encourage sales. A commanding newsletter will include effective subject lines, robust headings, interesting and enjoyable content, and an undeniable call-to-action. With the help of Ocean Crest Creative’s experience, your business’s voice will be heard through and through your newsletters.

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Internal Communications

Copywriting is generally associated with getting your customers to take a specific, so it’s fair to ask if a copywriter is actually needed when it comes to your internal communications. The fact, it comes down team building. A successful business operates a single body, and that requires that all of its parts buy into the goals, aspirations, and objectives of the organization.

Therefore, every operational directive - whether in the form of an employee manual or a newsletter - must get your goals and values across in a clear and understandable manner. Only then will your team be able to effectively function in a clear-cut manner.

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Serving South Shore, MA, Cape Cod, and the World offering Website Copywriting, Email Copywriting, Brochure Copywriting, Newsletter Copywriting, Internal Communications and Much More!

Left Shore Designs is a service of Ocean Crest Creative
Main Creative Studio: P.O. Box 6404, Plymouth, MA 02362, USA. ©1991 - 2020, All Rights Reserved