Left Shore Designs  - Copywriting For The South Shore, Plymouth, and Cape Cod
Handcrafted Copywriting Solutions For The South Shore, Plymouth, and Cape Cod

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About Ocean Crest Creative's
Left Shore Designs

William (Bill) M. Mallia, III, CTC, DSOur Story

Ocean Crest Creative is an imaginative word artist shop that builds handcrafted copywriting and content solutions. We specialize in serving those involved in travel and tourism, as well as others who demand personal and professional attention paid to their word-related needs.  The firm was founded back in 1991 by William (Bill) M. Mallia, III, CTC, DS, who is still at the helm today. Primarily focused on copywriting for websites, email broadcasts, brochure development, newsletter content, and feed for internal communications, we sideline in Content Marketing, Email Broadcasting/List Management, and Search Site Submission.

Over Seventy-Five Clients Served

Since the firm’s inception, we have had the privilege and pleasure of being a part of the success of over seventy-five companies. All of these organizations have been quite unique. This has made our job an ever-changing adventure. Have a look at our Portfolio Page.

Roots In The Travel Industry

For nearly three decades, Ocean Crest Creative has taken the stories of purveyors of travel and brought them to life. For nearly three decades, Ocean Crest Creative has taken the stories of purveyors of travel (car rentals, parking companies, cruise lines & yacht charters, destinations, travel activities companies, hotels & resorts, travel services, travel agents, tour operators, and trains & airlines) and brought them to life.  In doing so, these companies have been able to fuel their sales, marketing, and buzz creation efforts.  

We have done this by way of face-to-face, B2B representation and as the travel industry’s first and only cyber-sales representative.  The latter work involved writing hundreds of pages of web content every year since 2000.  This is where our creative copywriting ability was cultivated and honed.

What Do You Do If You Are A Creative Word Artist?

What Do You Do If You Are A Creative Word Artist? @CreativeWordArtWell, we believe you share your ability with others.  In this area, our motto is, “The things that we are given to steward have an owner, and it is not us.”  We know the travel trade well, so we drop into serving that industry with ease.  But what about copywriting for businesses outside of the tourism sector?

It’s impossible for copywriters to be authorities in every subject. You just won’t find a copywriter who is a former restaurateur/engineer/manufacturer/landscaper/accountant. However, a professional copywriter does possess a particular set of skills that allows them to adapt to the needs of business people involved in many fields.  While south of Boston and Cape Cod are our home turf, due to the magic of the Internet, we are able to offer our services worldwide.

Yes, Ocean Crest Creative Is Affordable

Yes, Ocean Crest Creative Is AffordableCopywriting is a lot more than pecking out words on a keyboard.  It takes creativity and understanding of how marketing works.  Therefore, could you find a cheaper date than us?  In all fairness, there is always going to be someone who will bid lower than everyone else.  But you need to remember that your goal should be to find a copywriter who you can build a relationship with.  Doing so will assure that you have someone who consistently understands your needs and is able to produce for you at a level you demand.

So, coming full circle, remember the bit about us being a “boutique firm?”  What that means is that while Ocean Crest Creative is able to provide personalized, comprehensive and brilliant service to our clients, we are not burdened by the overhead of the bureaucratic, monolithic agencies – translate: we are easy to work with and track towards the reasonably priced side of the gage.

That’s our story.  How may we help you tell yours?  Give us a shout!

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Serving South Shore, MA, Cape Cod, and the World offering Website Copywriting, Email Copywriting, Brochure Copywriting, Newsletter Copywriting, Internal Communications and Much More!

Left Shore Designs is a service of Ocean Crest Creative
Main Creative Studio: P.O. Box 6404, Plymouth, MA 02362, USA. ©1991 - 2020, All Rights Reserved